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منطقة للفوز: تنظيم المنافسة في عصر الاضطراب

منطقة للفوز: تنظيم المنافسة في عصر الاضطراب

حول هذا الكتاب:

Over the last 25 years, Geoffrey Moore has established himself as one of the most influential high-tech advisors in the world—once prompting Conan O’Brien to ask “Who is Geoffrey Moore and why is he more famous than me?”

Following up on the ferociously innovative ESCAPE VELOCITY, which served as the basis for Moore’s consulting work to such companies as Salesforce, Microsoft, and Intel, ZONE TO WIN serves as the companion playbook for his landmark guide, offering a practical manual to address the challenge large enterprises face when they seek to add a new line of business to their established portfolio. Focused on spurring next-generation growth, guiding mergers and acquisitions, and embracing disruption and innovation, ZONE TO WIN is a high-powered tool for driving your company above and beyond its limitations, its definitions of success, and ultimately, its competitors.

Moore’s classic bestseller, CROSSING THE CHASM, has sold more than one million copies by addressing the challenges faced by start-up companies. Now ZONE TO WIN is set to guide established enterprises through the same journey.

نبذة عن الكاتب:

جيفري مور هو مؤلف ومتحدث ومستشار يقسم وقته الاستشاري بين الشركات الناشئة في محفظة Mohr Davidow وWildcat Venture Partners وشركات التكنولوجيا الفائقة الراسخة، بما في ذلك مؤخرًا Salesforce وMicrosoft وIntel وBox وAruba وCognizant. و راك سبيس.

Moore’s life’s work has focused on the market dynamics surrounding disruptive innovations. His first book, Crossing the Chasm, focuses on the challenges start-up companies face transitioning from early adopting to mainstream customers. It has sold more than a million copies, and its third edition has been revised such that the majority of its examples and case studies reference companies come to prominence from the past decade. Moore’s most recent work, Escape Velocity, addresses the challenge large enterprises face when they seek to add a new line of business to their established portfolio. It has been the basis of much of his recent consulting.

Irish by heritage, Moore has yet to meet a microphone he didn’t like and gives between 50 and 80 speeches a year. One theme that has received a lot of attention recently is the transition in enterprise IT investment focus from Systems of Record to Systems of Engagement. This is driving the deployment of a new cloud infrastructure to complement the legacy client-server stack, creating massive markets for a next generation of tech industry leaders.

حصل مور على درجة البكالوريوس في الأدب الأمريكي من جامعة ستانفورد، ودرجة الدكتوراه في الأدب الإنجليزي من جامعة واشنطن. بعد تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية لمدة أربع سنوات في كلية أوليفيه، عاد إلى منطقة الخليج مع زوجته وعائلته وبدأ حياته المهنية في مجال التكنولوجيا العالية كأخصائي تدريب. بمرور الوقت، انتقل أولاً إلى المبيعات ثم إلى التسويق، وأخيراً وجد مكانته في الاستشارات التسويقية، حيث عمل أولاً في شركة Regis McKenna Inc، ثم مع الشركات الثلاث التي ساعد في تأسيسها: The Chasm Group، وChasm Institute، وTCG Advisors. واليوم هو الرئيس الفخري لجميع الثلاثة.

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