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美国有 900 万家女性拥有的企业;它们的收入为 $1.3 万亿。美国女性创业的速度是男性的两倍。这些女性中的大多数也是妈妈。

作为一个妈妈和一个企业家,成功需要什么? 妈妈的意思是生意 gives existing and potential mom business owners the encouragement, advice, and healthy dose of “how-to” they need.


  • A personal definition of success in both life and business–and the way to achieve it
  • 当您作为妈妈和企业主的优先事项发生冲突时,管理时间和生产力所需的工具
  • 一个妈妈友好的商业计划,让你专注
  • An approach to self-care that allows you to handle all that’s thrown your way
  • 快速解决创业妈妈遇到的问题的技巧、清单和指导 知名创业妈妈的幕后故事和建议 妈妈的意思是生意 fun to read and full of that all-important “me, too!” factor. It is inspiring, motivating, and, above all, practical


Erin Baebler has spent the past 10 years coaching women in transition through her company, Magnolia Workshop. She has been featured on several mom-focused blogs and Websites, had an essay published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms, was a contributor to Five Must Know Secrets for Today’s College Girl, and is a sought-after speaker. She and her husband have two children and live in Seattle.

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