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For as long as you can remember, you’ve had a dream. You’ve longed to see your product idea come to fruition so you never have to work for anyone else again.

Stephen Key has been living this dream for 30 years. The developer of such lucrative products as Michael Jordan s WallBall(r), the Spinformation(r) rotating label, and HotPicks(r) guitar picks, he knows better than anyone how to make a great living as an entrepreneur. Key develops ideas for new products, licenses them out, collects royalty checks, and doesn t look back. You can do it, too. All you need is “One Simple Idea.”

在这本书中,Key 揭示了帮助他和包括畅销书作家蒂姆·费里斯 (Tim Ferriss) 在内的数千名学生通过将创意出租给一家负责研发、生产、营销、销售、会计的公司,将他们的创造力转化为被动收入来源的秘密、分发以及其他您不想做的事情。

您会惊讶于许可一个想法以获取利润的过程实际上是多么简单。 Key 解释了如何: 确保您的想法安全,无需在专利上花费时间和金钱即可成为您自己的老板,无需正式开办企业 将您的产品推向市场,而无需支付一分钱费用 无需辞去日常工作即可赚大钱

想法必须来自组织内部的古老商业假设已经破灭。从跨国公司到小型企业,公司对外部企业家变得如此自信,以至于许可现在是一个 $5000 亿的行业。企业需要像 Key 和您这样的自由职业者为新产品提供有创意、有市场价值的想法。

With “One Simple Idea,” there s no prototyping, no patents, and, best of all, no risk. You can make the system work for you rather than the other way around.”


Stephen Key 是一位屡获殊荣的发明家、著名的知识产权战略家、成功的企业家和畅销书作家。在过去的 35 年里,他获得授权的 20 多种产品已在全球的沃尔玛、7-11、迪士尼商店和主题公园中销售,并得到了迈克尔·乔丹、亚历克斯·特雷贝克和泰勒·斯威夫特的代言。

Along with business partner Andrew Krauss, Stephen co-founded inventRight, a company dedicated to teaching inventors, entrepreneurs, and anyone with an idea how to build wealth through licensing. Tim Ferriss, best-selling author of “The 4-Hour Workweek,” was an early student of his. He is also the Chief Technical Officer of SpinLabel Technologies.

Key 是 Inc.com 每周专栏 The Licensing Lifestyle 的作者,也是 Entrepreneur.com 的长期撰稿人。

His latest book is entitled “Sell Your Ideas With or Without a Patent.”

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