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在 倾注你的心,首席执行官霍华德舒尔茨阐述了塑造星巴克现象的原则,分享了他从寻求让美式咖啡成为美国体验的一部分中获得的智慧。 The success of Starbucks Coffee Company is one of the most amazing business stories in decades. What started as a single store on Seattle’s waterfront has grown into a company with over sixteen hundred stores worldwide and a new one opening every single business day. Just as remarkable as this incredible growth is the fact that Starbucks has managed to maintain its renowned commitment to product excellence and employee satisfaction. Marketers, managers, and aspiring entrepreneurs will discover how to turn passion into profit in this definitive chronicle of the company that “has changed everything… from our tastes to our language to the face of Main Street” (Fortune).


霍华德舒尔茨 他是纽约布鲁克林人,1982 年加入星巴克,自 1987 年以来一直担任董事长兼首席执行官。他住在西雅图。

多莉琼斯杨 has fifteen years’ experience as a reporter, writer, and bureau chief for 工作周 在纽约、香港和西雅图。她住在华盛顿的贝尔维尤。

提取的信息 亚马逊产品页面。
