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Rocket tells the story of how sixteen remarkable business leaders created great brands. Leslie Wexner tells you how he turned a two-store chain into a $6.5 billion worldwide brand called Victoria Secret, and Howard Schultz shares how he took his passion for a little coffee shop in Seattle and grew it into a 22,000-store chain, just to name two. Every story is connected to a “how-to” lesson, and by the end, you’ll have what you need to turn your best customers into apostles, cravers, and brand ambassadors.
A must-have guide for everyone who wants to grow their business faster than a competitor, this authentic, vibrant, and engaging book brings you the latest practical techniques for knowing your customers’ desires and behaviors in order to deliver intimately rewarding experiences every time they shop–including knowing what they need before they do. Included is a “self critique” to identify where you are currently before you transform your career and company by mastering how to:
– Create a demand-space map and predict how big a share of a demand space you can win with the proper mix of emotional and functional benefits satisfying the attributes of that space
– Determine a strategic direction for where to place investment bets, identify which brands are best suited to win, and which are most responsive to investment
– Deliver all the core benefits of a particular demand space in your product–from packaging, shelving, pricing, and promotion to message development, store operations, delivery, and employee engagement
– Maintain a long-term vision to continuously quantify and modify for ongoing improvement, while using your successes to convert more champions along the way
With Rocket, you can rise into a cycle of renewal, energy, and power that can launch startups to phenomenal success and turn around the fate of multinational corporations.


迈克尔·J·西尔弗斯坦 是波士顿咨询集团消费者业务的高级合伙人兼董事总经理。他是 Trading Up、The $10 Trillion Prize、Women Want More 和 Treasure Hunt 的畅销书作者。

Dylan Bolden、Rune Jacobsen 和 Rohan Sajdeh 都是 BCG 的高级合伙人和董事总经理。

提取的信息 亚马逊产品页面。
