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冒着一切风险去破产的真实故事。 传统观点认为,大多数初创公司需要在硅谷,由年轻工程师围绕一个性感的新想法创立,并得到风险投资的支持。但正如 Mikkel Svane 在 创业之地, 创立 Zendesk 的故事绝非传统。

Founded in a Copenhagen loft by three thirty-something friends looking to break free from corporate doldrums, Zendesk Inc. is now one of the hottest enterprise software companies, still rapidly growing with customers in 150 countries. But its success was anything but predestined. With revealing stories both funny and frank, Mikkel shares how he and his friends bravely left secure jobs to start something on their own, how he almost went broke several times, how they picked up themselves and their families to travel across the world to California and the unknown, and how the three friends were miraculously still together for Zendesk’s IPO and (still growing) success.

Much like Zendesk’s mission itself–to remove friction, barriers, and mystery in order to make customer service easier and more approachable–创业之地 removes some of the myths about startups and startup founders. Mikkel’s advice, hard-won through experience, often bucks conventional wisdom and entrepreneurial tropes. He shares why failure (whether fast or slow) is awful, why a seemingly boring product or idea can be the most exciting, why giving back to the community is as important as the bottom line. From how to hire right (look for people who are not offended by swearing) to which personas generate the highest response rates, Mikkel answers the most pressing questions from the perspective of someone still in the trenches and willing to share the hard truth, warts and all.

虽然有一些顾问的书会告诉你如何建立企业,或者现在经营着数十亿美元企业的企业家的书,但仍然在战壕中的人的书很少能敏锐地记住艰难的日常决策,早期,随着业务增长而扩大的问题,以及他们最初冒险的原因。 创业之地 对于所有想要将自己的想法变成下一件大事的企业家来说,这是必不可少的读物。这本书将激励和授权你去追随你自己的梦想,创造你自己的故事。


MIKKEL SVANE 是 Zendesk, Inc. (ZEN) 的创始人、董事长兼 CEO .他与妻子和孩子住在旧金山。如需更多信息,请访问 www.zendesk.com,或通过 @mikkelsvane 在 Twitter 上关注 Mikkel。

卡莉·阿德勒 (Carye Adler) 是一位屡获殊荣的记者和多本书的合著者,其中包括四本《纽约时报》畅销书。她的文章发表在《商业周刊》、《快速公司》、《财富》、《福布斯》、《新闻周刊》、《时代》和《连线》上。她与丈夫、两个女儿和滑板斗牛犬住在康涅狄格州。

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