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Facebook 效应:连接世界的公司的内幕

Facebook 效应:连接世界的公司的内幕


The inside story of Facebook, told with the full, exclusive cooperation of founder Mark Zuckerberg and the company’s other leaders.

In little more than half a decade,Facebook has gone from a dorm-room novelty to a company with 500 million users. It is one of the fastest growing companies in history, an essential part of the social life not only of teenagers but hundreds of millions of adults worldwide. As Facebook spreads around the globe, it creates surprising effects—even becoming instrumental in political protests from Colombia to Iran.

Veteran technology reporter David Kirkpatrick had the full cooperation of Facebook’s key executives in researching this fascinating history of the company and its impact on our lives. Kirkpatrick tells us how Facebook was created, why it has flourished, and where it is going next. He chronicles its successes and missteps, and gives readers the most complete assessment anywhere of founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the central figure in the company’s remarkable ascent. This is the Facebook story that can be found nowhere else.

一个 19 岁的哈佛学生是如何创建一家改变互联网的公司的,他又是如何将其发展到目前如此庞大的规模的?柯克帕特里克展示了扎克伯格如何坚定不移地拒绝妥协他的愿景,坚持专注于增长而不是利润,并宣扬 Facebook 必须主导(他的话)互联网上的交流。在这个过程中,他和一小群主要高管创建了一家改变了美国和其他地方的社会生活的公司,这家公司在营销、政治、商业甚至我们的观念中无处不在。自己的身份。这就是脸书效应。


David Kirkpatrick was for many years the senior editor for Internet and technology at Fortune magazine. While at Fortune, he wrote cover stories about Apple, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Sun, and numerous other technology subjects. Beginning in 2001, he created Fortune’s Brainstorm conference series. More recently, he organized the Techonomy conference on the centrality of technology innovation for all human activity. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and appears frequently on television, radio, and the Internet as an expert on technology.

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