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Do you ever wonder where you fit in? Do you sometimes get that feeling that you have something much bigger to offer the universe, but then it fills you with fear and anxiety, so you think maybe I’ll just pay it safe? But what is safe? The factory job? The cubicle job?

Factories all over have been converted to open spaces for startups. Skyscrapers have entire floors open for lease because the “same as everyone else” class of jobs have dried up. Many of us were raised to seek out a job that required us to fit in, to conform, to adapt until we fit the mold.

怪胎将继承地球 is a guide for the kind of person who wouldn’t normally pick up a business book.

The personal business revolution is upon us. Here’s your recipe book for starting your revolutionary business, including some of what you will learn:

How to be as weird as you want while providing a viable business structure to support it What most people are missing from the basic frameworks of doing business How to turn passions into businesses How to build out the Digital Channel What Kickstarter and Square mean for the future of business) Take the plunge. Learn to fail and then win. Dare to do something that “everyone else” doesn’t. 怪胎将继承地球 会有所帮助。

畅销书作家和成功企业家 Chris Brogan 一步一步地解释了如何从头开始建立您的业务,同时又不影响使您成为怪胎的独特心态和个人价值观。


Chris Brogan 是 Owner Media Group 的首席执行官,为现代企业提供战略和技能。他还是一位备受追捧的专业演说家和《纽约时报》畅销书作者,着有九本书,而且还在不断增加。他的最新作品叫做寻找你的写作声音。

Chris has spoken for or consulted with the biggest brands you know, including Disney, Coke, Google, GM, Microsoft, Coldwell Banker, Titleist, Scotts, Humana Health, Cisco, Sony USA, and many more. He’s appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, interviewed Richard Branson for a cover story for Success magazine, and once even presented to a Princess. People like Paulo Coelho, Harvey Mackay, and Steven Pressfield enjoy sharing their projects and best ideas with Chris, because they know he’ll share them with you. Tony Robbins had Chris on his Internet Money Masters series. Forbes listed Chris as one of the Must Follow Marketing Minds of 2014, plus listed his website as one of the 100 best websites for entrepreneurs. Statsocial rated Chris the #3 power influencer online.

通过 http://chrisbrogan.com 了解更多信息。

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