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Tired of working for others and dealing with office politics, eager for control and more money, Ed “Skip” McLaughlin certainly felt it. When he left his high-level corporate position to start not one but 二 new businesses, his colleagues’ reaction was disbelief:

People told me I was crazy. “You are going to fail!”

他的生意之一 做过 fail, but the other thrived. Ed bootstrapped it into an Inc. 500 company and later sold it to a Fortune 100 company. Now, you can learn from his experience—what to do and what not to do—to create your own successful startup. 目的是利润 消除了成为企业家的神秘面纱。你将学习

  • 为什么独特的能力胜过激情
  • 何时何地在不失控的情况下获得资金
  • 如何打造经久不衰的创业品牌
  • 为什么每个业务决策都应考虑利润
  • 道德行为如何培养信任并释放利润

As a bonus, The Purpose Is Profit includes two manuals: The Startup Roadmap details the 21 steps you should take to build a profitable business. The Startup Funding Guide delivers the tools you need to fund your business.


Ed ”Skip” McLaughlin
Ed is the founder of four businesses and is currently running his fourth company, Blue Sunsets LLC, investing in startups and real estate. He bootstrapped USI Companies and grew it into an Inc. 500 company. In 2005, he sold USI to Johnson Controls, a Fortune 100 company, and at that point, became CEO of JCI’s Global Workplace Business for the Americas. Ed was honored as Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young and has a BA in history from the College of the Holy Cross and serves on their Board of Trustees. Active in philanthropy, Ed lives with his wife in Connecticut and has three adult children.

Wyn 是 Upstart Business Planning 的创始人。她与企业家合作制定计划,回答投资者最常提出的问题。 Wyn 发表于纽约时报 和其他出版物。她拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的金融和市场营销 MBA 学位,以及加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的经济学学士学位。她和丈夫住在康涅狄格州,有两个成年子女。

Paul is an associate with Deloitte in the Financial Advisory Services Group in the Real Estate Consulting Practice. Previously, Paul served as vice president of Blue Sunsets LLC, where he was responsible for real estate development and specific angel investments. He has a BA in mathematics from the College of the Holy Cross and an MBA from Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business.

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