站点图标 怎么做





Office workers spend the majority of their waking hours staring at screens. Unfortunately, few of us are aware of the visual biases and behavioral patterns that influence our thinking when we’re on our laptops, iPads, smartphones, or smartwatches. The sheer volume of information and choices available online, combined with the ease of tapping “buy,” often make for poor decision making on screens.

在 更智能的屏幕, 行为经济学家 Shlomo Benartzi 揭示了数字时代的干预工具包。通过引人入胜的读者练习和富有启发性的案例研究,Benartzi 展示了数字设计如何以各种令人惊讶的方式影响我们在屏幕上的决策。


  • You’re more likely to add bacon to your pizza if you order online.
  • If you read this book on a screen, you’re less likely to remember its content.
  • You might buy an item just because it’s located in a screen hot spot, even if better options are available.
  • If you shop using a touch screen, you’ll probably overvalue the product you’re considering.
  • You’re more likely to remember a factoid like this one if it’s displayed in an ugly, difficult-to-read font.

Benartzi 借鉴了有关数字轻推的最新研究,揭示了我们如何创建一个在线世界,帮助我们更好地思考,而不是更糟。


什洛莫·贝纳齐 is a professor and cochair of the Behavioral Decision-Making Group at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. He is the author of 明天节省更多 和 思维更聪明。 他在将行为经济学见解应用于现实世界方面拥有丰富的经验,通过与理查德·塞勒 (Richard Thaler) 的合作,提高了数百万美国人的储蓄率。 明天节省更多,并为许多政府机构和企业提供咨询。

约拿·莱勒 是一位住在洛杉矶的科学作家。

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