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According to the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, more than 565,000 new businesses were created in 2010 in the United States alone—each one of them hoping to strike gold. The Startup Playbook will help them succeed. Going insider to insider with unprecedented access, New York Times bestselling author and Clickable CEO, David Kidder, shares the hard-hitting experiences of some of the world’s most influential entrepreneurs and CEOs, revealing their most closely held advice. Face-to-face interviews with 40 founders give readers key insights into what it took to build PayPal, LinkedIn, AOL, TED, Flickr, and many others into household names. Special sections include topics ranging from how to select the right idea to pursue to finding funding and overcoming inevitable obstacles. In an economy demanding change, The Startup Playbook is the go-to for entrepreneurs big and small.


David S. Kidder 是一位企业家,拥有广泛的营销和技术专业知识,专注于社交、移动和搜索广告和产品开发。最近,David 担任 Clickable 的联合创始人兼首席执行官,这是一个在线广告软件即服务(被 Syncapse 收购)。在 Clickable 之前,Kidder 共同创立了移动广告先驱 SmartRay Network(被 LifeMinders 收购)和网络创作平台 Net-X(被 Target Vision 收购)。 Kidder 毕业于罗彻斯特理工学院,并于 2008 年获得 ID Magazines 国际设计奖和 Ernst and Youngs 年度企业家奖。 David 也是天使投资人,通过他的基金 Alt Option Return 投资包括:Art.sy、 TapAd、MileWise、PayOff、HowAboutWe、BoostCTR、Clothia、DailyFeats、Content.ly、Spontaneous.ly、Lenndo 和 Founders Fund III。他是 The Acumen Fund One Percent Fund 的创始成员,并在史密森尼国家委员会任职。他还是 Rodale 出版的系列丛书 The Knowledge Devotional 的创作者和两届纽约时报畅销书合著者。他目前正在撰写 The Startup Playbook,由 Chronicle Books 于 2012 年出版。他与妻子和三个儿子住在纽约州威彻斯特县。

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