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创新的十张面孔:Ideo 在整个组织中击败魔鬼倡导者和推动创造力的策略

创新的十张面孔:Ideo 在整个组织中击败魔鬼倡导者和推动创造力的策略


畅销书作者 创新的艺术 揭示了世界著名设计公司 IDEO 用于在整个组织中培养创新思维并克服扼杀创造力的反对者的策略。

The role of the devil’s advocate is nearly universal in business today. It allows individuals to step outside themselves and raise questions and concerns that effectively kill new projects and ideas, while claiming no personal responsibility. Nothing is more potent in stifling innovation.

凭借近 20 年的 IDEO 管理经验,Kelley 确定了人们可以在组织中扮演的十个角色,以促进创新和新想法,同时为反对者提供有效的反击。在这些方法中,Anthropologist—进入该领域以了解客户如何使用和对产品做出反应的人,以提出新的创新;这 异花授粉 谁混合和匹配想法、人员和技术,以创造可以推动增长的新想法;和 跨栏,他会立即寻找方法来克服任何情况下的限制和挑战。

Filled with engaging stories of how companies like Kraft, Procter and Gamble, Cargill and Samsung have incorporated IDEO’s thinking to transform the customer experience, THE TEN FACES OF INNOVATION is an extraordinary guide to nurturing and sustaining a culture of continuous innovation and renewal.


Tom Kelley is general manager of IDEO, the world’s leading design consultancy specializing in product development and innovation. Working together with his brother, IDEO founder David Kelley, he has helped manage the firm, as it has grown from twenty designers to a staff of over three hundred. During that time, he has been responsible for diverse areas such as business development, marketing, human resources, and operations. Like everyone else at IDEO, he also occasionally gets down on his knees to cut foam core alongside IDEO clients and designers, as part of the firm’s brainstorming and prototyping efforts.

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