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Das Zeitalter der Plattform: Zusammenfassung und Rückblick

Das Zeitalter der Plattform: Zusammenfassung und Rückblick

Schlüsselwörter: Amazon, API, Apple, Change, Design, Facebook, Google, Internet, Plank, Plattform

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Plattformen sind in der Regel für Unternehmen von Vorteil. Da sie gesellschaftliche Kräfte wie Netzwerkeffekte nutzen, können sie sich gewinnverstärkend auswirken. Sie haben jedoch ihre Schattenseiten. Aufgrund ihrer Tendenz, die öffentliche Meinung zu vergrößern, haben Skandale und Kontroversen das Potenzial, größere Ausmaße anzunehmen.

Das Zeitalter der Plattform explores lessons of the platform business model. Despite some issues with format and layout, Simon captures some important lessons of platform development and explains why they are relevant to the small business owner. Beginning with an overview of the histories of the internet and of platforms, Simon moves on to explore in turn Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, described variously as “The Gang of Four” and “The Big Four.” After considering each of these companies individually, the book examines the qualities that they have in common, especially those that have contributed to their growth. This includes factors such as network effects, virality, stickiness and strong central leadership.

The discussion on platforms that were emerging at the time the book was written (2013) is sure to grab attention, if only to demonstrate how quickly things change in this industry. And, appropriately for its subject, the book ends with a look to the future of platforms and of information technology in general. Simon admits that some of the current theories about this future sound far-fetched. In this context, he mentions Ray Kurzweil’s theory of singularity: the idea that human and machine intelligence will merge into a single global consciousness. There has been so much change in recent times, however, that no one could have believed possible, so it would be foolish to reject such theories outright. We live in a time when any future seems possible.

Das Buch bietet eine gute Einführung in die Geschichte des Internets und der Big Four. Business Manager, Entrepreneure und Plattformdesigner benötigen jedoch Informationen und detailliertere Beratung. Obwohl dies eine gute Ergänzung für ihr Bücherregal wäre, sollte es nicht das einzige Buch zu diesem Thema sein.


Teil I: Der Aufstieg des Plattformzeitalters

Kapitel 1: Das Internet: Wo stehen wir jetzt?

Das Buch beginnt mit einer hochrangigen Geschichte des Internets. 1993 wurde der erste Webbrowser veröffentlicht. Ursprünglich als Mosaic bekannt, wurde es in Netscape umbenannt. Das Internet wurde immer beliebter, als die Leute begannen, sich gegenseitig E-Mails zu schicken, im Netz zu surfen und ihre eigenen Seiten zu erstellen.

Viele Unternehmen haben sich auf den Weg gemacht, um von der neuen Technologie zu profitieren. In den späten 90er Jahren wurde eine breite Palette von Waren und Dienstleistungen zum Verkauf angeboten. Google kam und verbesserte die gesamte Erfahrung, indem es den Leuten viel einfacher machte, die Dinge zu finden, nach denen sie suchten.

There were plenty of failures among these early companies. This isn’t uncommon with new technologies. Everyone jumps on the new bandwagon but not everyone completely understands the new dynamic.

The new millennium heralded the rise of a new type of web service. This is Web 2.0. It’s all about users; an important facet of Web 2.0 is the rise of social media websites. Instead of being the occasional source of entertainment or a place to check email, the internet has become integrated with people’s lives. People’s personal finance and social interactions, to name but two domains, have been transformed. Instead of using the internet occasionally, people essentially live their lives online. Our world has been transformed by the ability to communicate quickly to the entire world. Citizen journalists have been able to bring global awareness to a host of social and political issues. People can work together on projects regardless of where they might live.

The location for interacting with technology has shifted. Back in the day, folks mostly used sophisticated technology when they were at work. That’s all changed. Nowadays people are as likely to turn on a computer and hop on the internet at home as at work. In fact, the line between home and work is increasingly blurred as more people work from home. This has brought about the rise of the prosumer. Prosumers are platform users, actors who are both producers and consumers.

A freemium is something that’s given away for free in the hopes of creating a customer. Typically, a site will provide basic services for free and require some form of paid subscription for access to enhanced features. It’s a risky strategy. Companies might waste too many resources on free users who will never convert to subscribers.

Die Revolution der Informationstechnologie hat ihren Anteil an negativen externen Effekten. Industrien wurden zerrüttet und viele Unternehmen aus dem Geschäft gedrängt. Amerikanische Unternehmen genießen keine lokalen Vorteile mehr und müssen jetzt mit Unternehmen aus anderen Ländern konkurrieren, die möglicherweise billigere Arbeitskräfte oder weniger Regulierung haben. Kein Unternehmen ist vor diesen sich ändernden Marktkräften sicher. Die Technologie hat die Eintrittsbarrieren gesenkt, was die Gründung neuer Unternehmen erleichtert und billiger gemacht hat, was bedeutet, dass viele Unternehmen jetzt auf der ganzen Welt miteinander konkurrieren. Dies mag für neue Start-ups in Sambia großartig sein, bedeutet aber auch eine Erosion traditioneller Unternehmen. Alles wird neu ausgerichtet, was für die einen gut ist, für die anderen aber schlecht.

The world is changing so fast that “planning” is no longer an effective strategy. By the time a plan comes to fruition, circumstances have likely changed so much as to make the plan obsolete. Nowadays all businesses operate under a huge cloud of uncertainty. And so, my friends, this is the world we live in. Privacy and security are big concerns, at least as long as such concepts continue to exist. We are always connected to the technology grid. Our lives and our businesses have changed dramatically in the space of a decade.

Kapitel 2: Plattformen: Definitionen, Geschichte und Wirtschaft

The internet changed everything. We work online. We socialize online. We take care of errands; we entertain ourselves online. It’s not at all unusual for people to spend most of their time on the internet. It’s important that we have stability and security in all of these activities. Platforms can help us achieve this stability and security.

Eine Plattform ist ein leicht skalierbares Ökosystem, das Funktionen, Benutzer und Partner umfasst. Über Plattformen können Menschen miteinander in Kontakt treten und Informationen austauschen. Sie erleichtern die Zusammenarbeit mit Dritten erheblich. Die Plattform ist ein Geschäftsmodell. Auch große Unternehmen können Plattformen sein. In einem wohltätigen (im Gegensatz zum Teufelskreis) erzeugen Plattformen Netzwerkeffekte, die die Plattformen bekannter machen, die mehr Netzwerkeffekte erzeugen. Plattformen werden stückweise gebaut. Jede Komponente einer Plattform wird als Planke bezeichnet. Plattformen gibt es schon immer, aber Computer geben ihnen neue Macht. Jetzt sind sie turboaufgeladen.

Monopolies don’t socially optimize resources. Monopolies create barriers to entry, effectively preventing meaningful competition. There’s the controversial notion of natural monopolies, when barriers to entry are so high that really only one company can succeed. AT&T is an example; back in the day they were pretty much the only phone company. They had a complete monopoly. Some people say this is just a natural result of market circumstances, so it’s cool. Others say the whole idea is in error.

Monopolies are the result of horizontal or vertical integration. Some of them have control of the production process, which is vertical integration. Some have control of the market, which is horizontal integration. All this talk of integration makes some people think that platforms are monopolies, but they are wrong. Platforms aren’t monopolies. There are many differences between platforms and monopolies.

Technology and globalization have evened the playing field, so companies can’t make “super-normal” profits because there’s so much competitive pressure. People will just go somewhere else if you charge too much.

Plattformen haben niedrige Eintrittsbarrieren. Jeder kann eine neue Website erstellen und ein Anwärter werden. Potenzielle Konkurrenz ist immer gleich um die Ecke.

In the new paradigm, demand is more elastic. For example, we need electricity, and there’s not really any way around that. On the other hand, we don’t need Netflix. The difference between these two needs is the elasticity of demand. Platforms don’t put a chokehold on our needs the way monopolies tend to do.

People don’t hate platform companies the way they tend to hate traditional corporations. Yes, companies like Google and Amazon certainly have their detractors. There is plenty of irrational jealousy directed at figures such as Mark Zuckerberg, but he isn’t hated nearly as much as someone like John D. Rockefeller was. Platforms don’t have the kind of power in people’s lives the way that monopolies are disposed to have, so they don’t generate the same level of hatred.

Plattformunternehmen neigen zu Preisdiskriminierung, das heißt, die verschiedenen Seiten zahlen unterschiedliche Gebühren. Aus diesem Grund und aus allen oben genannten Gründen unterscheiden sich IT-Plattformunternehmen von Monopolen.

Teil II: Die Viererbande: Die Führer des Plattformzeitalters

Kapitel 3: Keine Buchhandlung mehr

In this chapter, we explore the history of In many respects, Amazon makes a good model for how to do things right. Amazon was predicted to fail in 2001. In response, founder Jeff Bezos decided to grow the company as fast as possible. By 2002, it was the first retailer to make a profit on internet commerce. Today it’s a big success.

It’s helpful to have First Mover Advantage (FMA). Being the first company to make a significant move in a market puts a company at a distinct advantage. You don’t necessarily have to be first, but early is good. An example of this is how Amazon beat the competition to simplify the process of making a purchase. At one time, it took 12 clicks to buy something on EBay. In 1997, Amazon introduced 1-Click transactions. They managed to reduce a lot of transaction friction and people gravitated to the site.

Customer experience is important. Amazon puts lots of effort into providing good customer service. The importance of customer experience is magnified due to the potency of network effects. Amazon asks for permission when it uses people’s info. This is a good thing to do. They also let people opt out of their emails. Users are encouraged to feel that their concerns matter to the company.

There are two levels of platform technology. The transaction is on the first level. The second level is how the platform makes suggestions and recommendations to users. Powerful business intelligence software allows the site to make relevant suggestions to users without the clutter of ads the users might not appreciate. Users can rate the products they purchase. In fact, they can even rate products that they didn’t purchase on the platform. The rating system takes advantage of network effects and allows the site to be even more accurate in the products it recommends to individual customers.

Amazon scheut sich nicht, Risiken einzugehen und neue Dinge auszuprobieren. Manchmal geschieht die Verzweigung in andere Dinge zufällig, wie es beim Cloud Computing der Fall war. Es gibt alle Arten von Amazon-Ablegern, weil sie diese Art von zufälliger Kreation nutzen.

Make no mistake, Amazon does have its fair share of errors and problems. With Kindle, they thought they could rewrite the publishing industry. They were wrong. Publishers are distrustful of the pricing scheme Amazon has for eBooks. There have been controversies over the products that Amazon does and does not sell. For example, attempting to block pornography from the site has resulted in books getting blocked that are legitimate gay and lesbian literature. It isn’t a simple thing to define some categories; what is considered pornography by some is regarded as erotica and sex positive material by others.

Amazon wird sich weiterhin der Konkurrenz stellen. Gesetzliche Herausforderungen stehen bevor; Es gibt einen starken Druck darauf, Online-Händler zu zwingen, Umsatzsteuer zu erheben. Amazon stehen viele Prüfungen bevor. Trotzdem ist Amazon gut aufgestellt, um in Zukunft weiter zu wachsen und sich zu verändern.

Kapitel 4: Jenseits des Computers

Nun zu einem Blick auf Apple. Es waren einmal im Jahr 1977 drei Stipendiaten, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak und Ronald Wayne. Sie gründeten ein kleines Unternehmen namens Apple Computer. Bekanntermaßen musste Jobs 1985 zurücktreten, um 1997 in das Unternehmen zurückzukehren.

In the mid-1980s, the company started developing other devices in addition to computers. They designed cameras, CD players, speakers and many other high tech gadgets. By the aughts, it was clear that the company was much more than a computer manufacturer. Apple Computer legally changed their name, dropping the word “computer” and simply calling the company Apple. They successfully branched out into many different products beyond computers. They also made big piles of money selling content.

Good design is part of the brand; Apple products look good and they don’t have extraneous bells and whistles. They are intuitive and straightforward. Simplicity, ease of use and enjoyment are the qualities that made Apple products great. These are also the qualities that make for great platforms. Products like the iPhone allowed partners to create apps, and so Apple became a platform company.

They continued to innovate. An important issue was how to maintain simplicity even though people have a bunch of different devices. Apple’s solution to this problem is to use cloud computing. The iPhone was a breakthrough. The App Store has made a lot of money for Apple.

Apple arbeitet gerne mit kleinen Kerlen wie Programmierern zusammen, aber nicht so sehr mit den großen Rollen. Diese Entscheidungen werden strategisch getroffen, um eine Gemeinschaft von Benutzern zu fördern, aber zu vermeiden, dass Konkurrenten Luft gemacht werden. Sie haben das Application Programming Interface (API) geöffnet, und jetzt können sie mit dem App Store noch weiter wachsen, ohne für Entwickler, Programmierer, Servicer oder andere für diese Apps bezahlen zu müssen. Offene APIs haben Innovationen beschleunigt. Wie andere große Plattformunternehmen hat Apple überlegt, wie man sein Ökosystem neben dem Verkauf von Hardware und Software monetarisieren kann.

Apple has exerted control in some cases that has made some of its partners unhappy. Porn apps were prohibited from the App Store. They also had to get pretty firm about the quality of apps that they’ll sell at the store. For the most part, however, they do what they can to keep the developers happy. They understand how important those developers are. They found a variety of external partners to work with. iTunes became successful because of its partnerships with big recording and publishing firms.

Apple has its critics. Some musicians don’t like iTunes because of its impact on that industry. Some people don’t like Apple’s fat margins. Apple offers a premium product, however, and so it’s entitled to charge premium prices. The criticisms are quickly dispatched with, perhaps too quickly. In the future, Apple will probably become a bigger target for hackers. But they will find a way through any problems.

Apple has been remarkably successful because it’s innovative and different. Its executives are wooed by other big tech firms. Everyone wants what they’ve got. They keep on being successful year after year, decade after decade.

Jobs starb, als Simon gerade das Buch beendete. Die Erörterung seines Todes wird etwas umständlich am Ende des Kapitels angehängt.

Kapitel 5: Der König des Sozialen

Next, we turn to Facebook. Facebook rose fast. Founder Mark Zuckerberg is a platform genius. He knew right from the beginning that he wanted the site to be a platform, back when no one was thinking like that. It was founded in 2004 by Zuckerberg and two chaps who are probably still hitting themselves because they didn’t stick around for long (Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.)

Back in the day, Friendster was the big social networking site. It was enormously popular. In fact, it was too popular. There weren’t enough servers for all the people who wanted to be on it. Pages loaded slowly, and the user experience suffered. It was clear that there was a strong demand for this sort of site, but only if it functioned well.

Zuckerberg learned from Friendster’s mistakes. He made performance a priority. He was cautious about building the platform, because he wanted to be able to scale it up with minimum problems. He added planks one by one. Expansion was gradual.

Ein Grund für seine Popularität ist, dass Facebook für die Nutzer kostenlos ist. Werbeflächen werden verkauft, um Geld für die Plattform zu verdienen.

A big problem with early social networking sites like Friendster and Myspace was in allowing people to pretend to be whoever they wanted. They were wide open to frauds, spammers and all types of unsavory characters. Zuckerberg learned from this. Authenticity is important to building community. For this reason, people have to use their real names on Facebook. Certainly, the safeguards that are in place don’t make it impossible for someone to create a false identity on Facebook, but most people on the site are who they say they are.

The Facebook platform has a number of planks, such as ads, games, Facebook credits (the platform’s universal currency), the Like button, fan pages, tags and the news feed. But wait, there’s more! Other planks include events, email, instant messaging, groups and notes. And the hits just keep on coming. No doubt Zuckerberg will continue planking up his platform long into the future.

The platform does have its share of problems. Chief among them is the issue of censorship. Facebook has been inconsistent with what’s allowed to be posted. The site has received negative publicity for censoring famous people. Another big problem is privacy. Historically the platform has been laissez faire about dealing with this. It is also stingy with its API, reducing the potential for a community of developers to coalesce around the platform. Additionally, the platform is constantly changing. Sometimes people don’t like the changes and they go on Facebook to complain about it to their friends. This is so ironic.

Die Zukunft von Facebook sieht rosig aus. Eine große Frage ist, ob das Unternehmen an die Börse geht. Die SEC könnte das Problem erzwingen. Es könnte problematisch sein. Manchmal verlassen talentierte Mitarbeiter Unternehmen, wenn sie an die Börse gehen, weil sie Aktien erhalten und sofort reich werden.

A probable future development will see Facebook grow on mobile platforms. FB seems like they’ve learned from their mistakes and they’re likely going to be successful long into the future.

Kapitel 6: Von der Suche zur Allgegenwart

Sergey Brin and Larry Page incorporated Google in 1998. It didn’t take them long to realize that their search engine was limited. Even if they could search and index the web with breathtaking speed and efficiency, people would use the site more if it did more than simply search.

Google fügte viele Funktionen hinzu, die über einfache Keyword-Suchen hinausgingen und manchmal so schnell wuchsen, dass seine Zwecke sich jeder Logik oder Planung widersetzten. Zum Beispiel scannten sie den Inhalt von Bibliotheken, ohne eine urheberrechtliche Genehmigung von Verlagen einzuholen.

Google hat viele, viele Planken. Dies hält die Benutzer auf seiner Plattform. Dazu gehören Planken wie Handy, Karten und vieles mehr. Sie fügen weiterhin weitere Produkte hinzu. Wie Amazon, Apple und Facebook ist Google seitwärts gewachsen. Sie haben die Plattform auch mit Anzeigen monetarisiert; Darüber hinaus steigerten sie die Einnahmen, indem sie Gebühren erhoben, um Unternehmen bei der Benutzersuche zu nennen.

Die Unternehmenspolitik fördert die Innovation der Mitarbeiter. Ein Teil der Art und Weise, wie Google einen Vorsprung behält, besteht darin, dass Ingenieure zwanzig Prozent ihrer Zeit damit verbringen, an Produkten zu arbeiten, die ihnen gefallen. Sie haben Innovation institutionalisiert.

Google versucht, die Nutzer auf seiner Plattform zu halten, indem es viele verschiedene Dienste anbietet. Integrierte Dienste sind sehr praktisch. Anstatt sich bei zahlreichen verschiedenen Websites anmelden zu müssen, um verschiedene Dinge zu tun, können Benutzer innerhalb der Grenzen einer Plattform bleiben.

Google personalisiert jedes Suchergebnis für jeden Benutzer und verwendet alle Informationen, die es über ihn gesammelt hat. Der Suchalgorithmus passt die Ergebnisse entsprechend den einzelnen Benutzern an.

Google loves freemium. They charge users for very few things. This has certainly helped make them successful, but at the same time, they probably didn’t have a lot of choice. Services like search engines and email are offered for free by many different websites. With all this competition, Google probably would have failed had they tried to charge for these services.

Google hat viele große institutionelle Partner. Telekommunikationsunternehmen wie Verizon und AT&T verkaufen Google Droids. Es gibt auch Tausende von Entwicklern, die Apps für die Plattform erstellen.
Google has made their share of missteps. With their fingers in so many pies, it’s inevitable that a few mistakes will be made.

There are significant problems with privacy. For example, the mapping service Street View lets people look at all sorts of public and private spaces. They tried to get into the Chinese market, but the Chinese government didn’t play nice, and Google got all sorts of criticism for saying they’d go along with Chinese censorship. The whole thing didn’t last long. Another problem Google faces is that people perceive the company as arrogant. To a certain extent, this is due to their size and accomplishments. There will always be some people who are hostile to successful enterprises.

Looking to the future, Google will need to make some changes. Right now, they earn most of their money from advertising. They need to diversify. They need to balance growth and focus. But you know, they’re a big company; they’re innovative; they’ll be fine.

Teil III: Synthese: Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Plattform verstehen

Kapitel 7: Die DNA: Plattformkomponenten und -merkmale

The Gang of Four consists of the currently “most important” platforms on the internet. The Gang of Four have all changed a lot in the years since they started up. Maybe not so much Facebook, but certainly the rest of them originally weren’t even platforms when they started.

They all had the ability to scale, the ability to add more features and adapt to the changes that growth brings. Scaling is easier nowadays because of cloud computing. Companies no longer need to have more tangible resources as they grow. It’s crucial, however, to have enough computing power in order to scale up.

There are many properties these four platforms have in common. They all have dynamic stability, meaning they are stable and yet always changing. They are adaptable. They’re all dependent on data and technology. They collect lots of information about people because that helps them make decisions and function better. They understand their customers. The Gang of Four have lots of partners because that grows their businesses. They take advantage of network effects. They have communities that are really engaged. They benefit from positive feels. They have virality. The Gang of Four all have products that have the quality of simplicity. Their products are easy to use and are not junked up with extras and frills.

Lots of existing companies have cultures which make it difficult for them to form partnerships. They don’t play well with others. Collaboration is one of the only ways to “grow the pie” of value. Partners are necessities.

It’s useful to borrow ideas from other platforms, especially the successful ones. Facebook pioneered the like button, and now it, or something very much like it, is ubiquitous across the internet. Everyone borrows each other’s good ideas.

Platforms should cultivate stickiness, provide lots of different features so that it’s convenient for users to stay on the site as they engage in a variety of activities. The longer people are kept on the platform, the better.

Major platforms tend to have well known “rock star” executives at the top. Think of Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Jobs. These people didn’t become household names for nothing. Platform companies have visionary leaders. They aren’t democratic. Decision making can be done quickly when leadership is strong and there are few protocols requiring them to gain consensus. Once a decision is made, these leaders can then ensure that the decision is acted on.

Generally, it isn’t easy to move from one platform to another. You can’t look up Facebook entries on Google, for example. This is by design. Platforms want to keep users in the fold as much as possible, and don’t want them bleeding off to other platforms. Even so, the Gang of Four are all frenemies. The businesses overlap in significant ways and are natural competitors with one another. Yet they do cooperate with each other when it’s logical to do so. Users on one platform can typically import contact lists and similar information across multiple platforms.

In a lot of situations, it might not be possible for platforms to avoid politics. In today’s world, politics tinge many decisions whether firms like it or not. However, controversy can help a platform. Controversy can draw people to visit and check it out.

Kapitel 8: Gib mir den Preis! Die Vorteile von Plattformen

It’s scary for existing firms to consider changing to the platform model, because that model contradicts so much traditional business wisdom. Considering how much there is to gain, however, all businesses should take a good hard look at moving to a platform business model. Platforms magnify the power of brands. Platform brands can become so powerful they are verb branded, that is to say, the firm’s name describes their core activity. For example, googling. For Google, this happened because they did their job better than their competitors. The brand has become seared into public awareness.

Es gibt Eintrittsbarrieren, und der First Mover-Vorteil funktioniert gegen diejenigen, die erst jetzt das Feld betreten. Jeder spielt bereits das Internetspiel, daher ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass Ihre Widget-Plattform erfolgreich ist, da ein anderer Widget-Händler Sie bereits besiegt hat. Dies ist jedoch kein Grund, Plattformen zu meiden. Je früher Sie eine Plattform erstellen, desto mehr werden Sie den Unternehmen voraus sein, die nach Ihnen kommen. Und ein innovativer Ansatz kann dazu führen, dass Ihr Unternehmen an erster Stelle steht und diesen schmackhaften First Mover-Vorteil in neuen Bereichen hat, die im Voraus kaum vorhersehbar sind.

Innovation is good. Welcome external players. Of course, it’s important to generate innovation in-house as well. Innovation sparks more innovation. As companies grow they have more resources to put toward innovation. Innovation can have positive or negative effects, it’s not just good all the time.

There are absolutely scads of good reasons to jump on the platform bandwagon. If you still aren’t convinced, the rest of this chapter will attempt to change your mind with one persuasive rationale after another.

Plattformen können dazu beitragen, Ihr Geschäft auf eine Weise auszubauen, die Sie nie vorhersehen konnten. Manchmal gründet eine Plattform ein Nebengeschäft, das immer lukrativer und wichtiger wird, als es das ursprüngliche Unternehmen jemals war.

Plattformen können mehrere Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbieten, wodurch Kunden Zeit sparen können, da sie an verschiedene Orte gehen müssen. So verhindern Sie, dass Ihre Kunden zu Ihren Mitbewerbern übergehen. Ihre Kunden werden dankbar sein, alles an einem Ort zu haben, und ihre Loyalität wird weiter wachsen.

Zu den vielen Vorteilen des Plattformgeschäfts gehören die Data-Mining-Aktivitäten, an denen sie normalerweise teilnehmen. Die gesammelten Informationen können Ihr Verständnis für Ihre Kunden verbessern. Sie können Empfehlungen basierend auf ihren Präferenzen abgeben, was den Verkauf verbessert.

Platforms can react quicker to changing conditions than traditional firms. New products can be launched faster. They can respond with great agility to unexpected trends. In a world of continuous change, the ability to be light on one’s feet is essential.

Don’t let your company languish in the technological Stone Age. Your competition is probably already working on a platform right now.

Kapitel 9: Schlingen und Pfeile: Die Gefahren der Plattformen

While platforms are a great business model now in its ascendancy, that doesn’t mean that they are free of problems. Like any field of human endeavor, there is plenty of room for shortcomings and failure. Platforms aren’t always successful, for one thing. Sometimes they never get off the ground, sometimes they crash and burn. Platforms have their limits. They can’t sell bad products any more successfully than a traditional business can.

There are plenty of bad actors on the internet stage. Many have engaged in fraud. There are ads for illegal products. These problems have stirred regulatory interest. There really aren’t the resources to go after all the bad actors, so the government goes after the worst and most high profile ones.

Dishonest behavior doesn’t stay secret long. Misbehavior, or even mild controversy, can attract tons of negative attention. Needless to say, this can be devastating for network effects. In today’s world, reputation is more important than ever. Platforms should always strive to stay on the up-and-up.

The Gang of Four are as fast as anyone to make aggressive business moves. Sometimes this makes people mad at them. The Gang of Four often succeeded through ignoring established rules, laws and conventions, at least at the beginning when they were gaining momentum. You want to try to please your customers but sometimes, especially when you make changes, you can’t make everyone happy. There is real danger of alienating your user base, a real conundrum considering the need to move quickly and embrace change.

It’s good to have external partners. They enhance the functionality of the platform and help to increase the user base. There is a danger, though, that the partners on your platform will grow to become your competition. Affiliations between partners are fluid, and you should never expect such relationships to last forever.

Platforms aren’t a perfect solution to all the world’s ills. Lots of people dislike any given platform for any number of reasons. Just because an enterprise is a platform is not a guarantee it will do well. Many platforms are unsuccessful and fail. Some examples of platform failures include Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo!, Myspace, eBay and Enron. We can learn quite a bit from studying the failures of others. Each of these failed endeavors are examined and important lessons are highlighted. Although some of these companies have survived in the long run, they all have missed important opportunities in ways that caused them significant damage. For example, Myspace was once a social media powerhouse, but it had important design problems. In an extreme example of user personalization, it lacked a coherent interface making the platform inconsistent and confusing. In addition to these problems, there wasn’t an easy way to monetize the platform. Top executives were unable to figure out how the company could make a decent profit off the site.

There are many potential headaches and pitfalls for the platform business, but this doesn’t mean that it’s not worthwhile to pursue the business model. The rewards outweigh the potential downsides.

Kapitel 10: Das Wie: Tipps zum Aufbau einer Plattform

Here we have a chapter loaded with good advice for designing platforms. Be forewarned, however, that there’s no magic path that will lead to a platform that will make you rich and famous. Even if you follow all of these recommendations, it’s no guarantee of success. This chapter is somewhat like if you had an uncle in in the business who is happy to share his experiences with you and give you his advice.

Bleiben Sie einfach und so minimal wie möglich. Verzichten Sie auf Bürokratie. Handeln Sie klein. Traditionelle Unternehmen verzetteln sich in Regeln und Papierkram, die Innovationen wirklich behindern können.

Pflegen Sie die Community auf Ihrer Plattform, indem Sie offen und kooperativ bleiben. Offene APIs sind wirklich wichtig, um eine aktive Community zu fördern.

Look for extensions — new planks — that fit with your core activity. Make intelligent acquisitions. In some situations, it can be better to buy a company that has technology that you want than to try to replicate the technology and have that company out there competing with you.

Entwickle viele Ideen. Gehen Sie kleine Risiken ein. Gehen Sie diesen Weg entlang, um zu sehen, ob er irgendwohin führt.

Behalten Sie den Kerngeschäftsbetrieb bei, obwohl Sie auch innovativ sind.

Understand that you’ll fail frequently. That’s OK. That’s the price of innovation. Don’t let it stop you.

Perfektionismus kann ein Hindernis sein, Dinge zu erledigen. Natürlich möchte man ein Qualitätsprodukt liefern, aber irgendwann muss man es loslassen. Die Konzentration auf die totale Perfektion verlangsamt dich. Wenn Ihr Produkt perfekt ist, kann es durchaus veraltet sein.

Beginnen Sie mit der größtmöglichen Kapazität. Überschuss ist gut. Auf diese Weise können Sie unerwartete Spitzen umgehen. So können Sie zu gegebener Zeit skalieren.

Know when it’s time to get out.

Breite ist besser als Tiefe. Es ist besser, viele Dinge zu tun, als sich tief auf eine Sache zu spezialisieren. Eine Plattform mit mehreren verwandten Funktionen hält die Benutzer besser auf der Plattform als eine Plattform, die eine Sache wirklich gut macht.

It’s dangerous to cling to safety. Embrace risk. It’s safer.

When you see an opportunity, move quickly. Patience is good in many ways when you build a platform. However, most opportunities don’t stick around for long. The secret is in knowing the opportunities that will best serve your platform and jumping on them quickly.

Take advantage of existing planks. It’s a lot of work creating new planks from scratch. External websites, emails, blogs, applications and open source tools can all be harnessed to benefit your platform.

Encourage cross pollination. Don’t fear your competitors being on your platform. Likewise, you should try to get on theirs.

Fügen Sie nach Bedarf Planken hinzu. Suchen Sie nach Lücken in den von Ihnen bereitgestellten Dienstleistungen und stellen Sie fest, ob diese Lücken durch Partnerschaften, durch Hinzufügen interner Planken oder durch den Kauf eines Unternehmens, das die Dienstleistungen anbietet, geschlossen werden können.

Be realistic. Don’t imagine that you’ll get rich quick or anything like that.

Teil IV: Nach vorne schauen

Chapter 11: The Candidates: Today’s Emerging Platforms

Künftig muss sich die Gang of Four gegenseitig genau beobachten und jede neue Konkurrenz beobachten. Niemand weiß, was als nächstes passieren wird. Im Nachhinein können einige Veränderungen unvermeidlich erscheinen, aber diese Veränderungen in der Vergangenheit waren zu ihrer Zeit genauso schwer vorherzusagen wie zukünftige Veränderungen heute. Vor diesem Hintergrund springt Simon mutig ins Getümmel und identifiziert einige Plattformen, von denen er glaubt, dass sie vielversprechend sind und die ihre Felder möglicherweise genauso dominieren werden wie die Gang of Four heute.

Eine vielversprechende Plattform ist Foursquare. Diese Plattform ermöglicht es Menschen, mobile Geräte zum Einchecken an öffentlichen Orten zu verwenden. Personen können Orte mit Lesezeichen versehen und Informationen mit anderen teilen. Diese Plattform macht die Dinge richtig, indem sie die Integration mit bestehenden Social-Media-Sites wie Facebook ermöglicht und ihre API für Entwickler offen hält.

Twitter gibt es schon seit einiger Zeit. Sie hatten einige Probleme mit der Skalierung, als sie populär wurden. Sie stiegen auf eine neue Technologie um, die das Wachstum bewältigen konnte. Diese Entscheidung wurde schnell umgesetzt. Wie bereits oben erwähnt, sollten in Kapitel 10 Gelegenheiten mit aller gebotenen Geschwindigkeit ergriffen werden.

WordPress ist ein Content-Management-System, das Benutzern eine Plattform bietet, um eigene Blogs und Websites zu erstellen. Es hat eine offene API und die Entwickler haben sich wirklich mit Stadterweiterungen und Plugins für die Plattform beschäftigt.

Groupon bietet tolle Angebote von Märkten auf der ganzen Welt und ist schnell populär geworden. Ihre API steht jedem offen, der sich registriert, und sie haben eine Erklärung auf ihrer Website, in der Entwickler offen aufgefordert werden, Verbesserungen, neue Erweiterungen und Schnittstellen zu erstellen. Ab 2011, als dieses Buch geschrieben wurde, wird erwartet, dass sie bald an die Öffentlichkeit gehen. Analysten erwarten, dass das Unternehmen gut abschneidet.

Adobe ist bekannt für seinen PDF-Viewer Reader und die Videoanwendung Flash, aber das Unternehmen macht noch viel mehr. Ihre Creative Suite vereint eine Reihe von Tools, die Benutzern beim Designen und Formatieren von Websites, Apps und Videos helfen. Sie bieten auch ein Software-Entwicklungskit namens Flex sowie Entwicklertools für mobile Anwendungen an. Im Jahr 2011 haben sie alle ihre Produkte zusammengefasst und auf einer Plattform zusammengefasst, der Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform. Während Apple Adobe feindselig behandelt hat, waren andere Plattformen freundlicher; Beispielsweise unterstützt Google Android Flash, Apple jedoch nicht. Adobe muss einen Weg finden, mit Apple umzugehen, damit seine Plattform gedeihen kann.

Das Ausführen von Anwendungen in der Cloud kann für Unternehmen eine Möglichkeit sein, Hardware- und Softwareentwicklung und -wartung auszulagern. Marc Benioff, der Gründer von, hält dies für eine großartige Idee und hofft, dass Sie seinen Service in Betracht ziehen. Salesforce hat seine Infrastruktur für Entwickler geöffnet, damit Unternehmen beliebige Anwendungen auf ausführen können. Sie bieten eine breite Palette von Tools, die Entwicklern dabei helfen, dies über die zu erreichen.

LinkedIn is huge, and it continues to grow in popularity. It’s a good place for job recruiters to find highly qualified candidates. Like other successful platforms, its APIs are available to developers on its website.

Quora provides crowdsourced questions and answers. They don’t have an open API. Strictly speaking, they aren’t exactly a platform, but they do have a strong community centered on their website. It’s really more than a plank than a platform, but we’ll keep our eye on this to see if a platform develops out of it.

No one knows what the future holds for these, or any other, platforms. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Use the websites that suit you and your circumstances the best, not because they are on this list or because they dominate the field. Create your own platforms in the spirit of enterprise and enthusiasm. Remember, this is a rapidly changing environment. Sometimes you’ve just got to take the plunge.

Chapter 12: Coda: A Glimpse of What’s Beyond

Platforms can bring great success to a business. They are the best business model for these times because a platform is never a finished product. It always changes and grows. It’s adaptable. We need an adaptable business model because all kinds of technological changes are on their way. New products and services are here, like wearables, robot vacuum cleaners and facial recognition.

Im Web 3.0 dreht sich alles um integrierte Daten. Wenn Sie sich beispielsweise ein Datum in Ihrem Kalender ansehen, werden Ihnen Fotos angezeigt, die Sie an diesem Tag aufgenommen haben, Ihre Einkaufsliste, Ihre Banktransaktionen usw.

Morgen gehört dem Semantic Web. So wie Dokumente Standards haben, sollten auch Daten Standards haben. Auf diese Weise können Daten plattformübergreifend verwendet werden. Dies wird sich ändern, wie wir mit Daten umgehen und wie Daten mit uns interagieren. Daten werden allgegenwärtig verwendet; sogar unsere zahnärztliche Arbeit wird durch Nanobiotika erreicht.

It’s predicted that the process will accelerate. Some theorists say that people are going to merge with computers. We could be seeing the dawn of nonbiological intelligence. We might be on the threshold of singularity, that is to say, the entire planet could be united as a single intelligence composed of individual people and machines just as human brains are composed of individual cells and other tissues.

We don’t yet know what all these new things mean for platforms. The Gang of Four will certainly do their best to change and adapt, attempting to stay ahead of the curve. These strategies have done well for them in the past, so they likely won’t abandon them. Beyond that, it’s not possible to predict what these companies will do. For one thing, big companies don’t broadcast their plans until they’re ready to implement them. There’s no point in tipping your hand to the competition. But even more to the point, the big companies probably don’t know yet themselves how they’re going to meet future challenges. Even the smart guys can’t predict the future, so like the rest of us, they have to respond to change as it occurs.

That isn’t to say the big companies passively lie around waiting for change. They strike a balance, experimenting with things and making provisional plans. They do everything they can to prepare for change. The Big Four do have an advantage, they can afford to make some mistakes. Other companies not as much.

Prepare for the future. Don’t expect amazing results, but do build a platform with planks. Take the advice in this book, look to the Big Four for role models. Avoid the pitfalls of failed companies. Stay open to change. We’d all like to live in simpler times, but it just isn’t possible to go backwards. Adapt. Change. Grow. Live in the now.

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