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Der Mama-Test: Wie Sie mit Kunden sprechen und herausfinden, ob Ihr Geschäft eine gute Idee ist, wenn alle Sie anlügen

Der Mama-Test: Wie Sie mit Kunden sprechen und herausfinden, ob Ihr Geschäft eine gute Idee ist, wenn alle Sie anlügen

Über das Buch:

Der Mom-Test ist ein schneller, praktischer Leitfaden, der Ihnen Zeit, Geld und Herzschmerz erspart.

They say you shouldn’t ask your mom whether your business is a good idea, because she loves you and will lie to you. This is technically true, but it misses the point. You shouldn’t ask anyone if your business is a good idea. It’s a bad question and everyone will lie to you at least a little . As a matter of fact, it’s not their responsibility to tell you the truth. It’s your responsibility to find it and it’s worth doing right .

Talking to customers is one of the foundational skills of both Customer Development and Lean Startup. We all know we’re supposed to do it, but nobody seems willing to admit that it’s easy to screw up and hard to do right. This book is going to show you how customer conversations go wrong and how you can do better.

Über den Autor:

Rob is a tinkerer and tech entrepreneur who has been driving perfectly good companies out of business since 2007. Previously a shy techie and official winner of the World’s Worst Salesperson award, he picked up quite a few bumps & bruises learning to talk to customers. The lessons are here, boiled down into practical, actionable tips based on extensive work with early stage companies through

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