站点图标 怎么做






  • 了解韧性对于企业成功的关键作用。
  • 将挫折转化为学习机会。
  • 掌握有效的压力管理技巧。
  • 从现实世界的业务挑战中学习。
  • 加强与团队和利益相关者的联系。
  • 采取将挑战转化为成长的心态。





Resilience is about bouncing back while moving forward with purpose, vision, and an unwavering belief in oneself. It’s about cultivating a mindset that embraces change as a catalyst for growth, sees failures as learning opportunities, and fuels a desire to make a positive impact.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned executive, or anyone looking to take their career and life to the next level, this course is designed with you in mind. Resilience is a skill, a mindset, a lifestyle, and a vital part of your professional DNA. By embracing these four strategies, you’ll not only navigate the challenging world of business but excel in it.

Are you ready to add resilience to your strengths? Let’s embark on this exciting journey together.


You face challenges every day. A sudden market shift, a product failure, a critical decision that didn’t pan out as expected. These aren’t mere obstacles; they’re opportunities, provided you have the resilience to see them as such.

  • 克服挫折: When things go wrong, it’s not the end; it’s a lesson. Resilient leaders don’t dwell on failure. They analyze, learn, and move forward.
  • 管理压力: 您的角色要求很高,但韧性可以帮助您有效应对压力,让您专注于目标而不是压力。
  • 从错误中学习: Mistakes are inevitable. Resilient individuals don’t shy away from them; they learn from them, transforming errors into enhancements.
  • 建立关系: 信任、融洽、协作。韧性使您能够与团队、客户和利益相关者建立牢固的联系,从而加强您的整个业务生态系统。

The impact of resilience goes beyond these aspects. It’s a competitive advantage that keeps your business agile and sharp. Resilience is the unseen force that not only helps you stay on track but also fuels your growth, mental well-being, optimism, flexibility, and motivation. This quality guides you, your team, and your business through challenges with courage and conviction.


1. 迎接挑战:化障碍为成长机遇

In the business world, challenges are unavoidable, but they don’t have to be obstacles. This section will guide you through embracing challenges as opportunities, turning them into stepping stones for growth and leadership. Let’s redefine success by turning inevitable difficulties into powerful tools for your business journey.

1.1 接受挑战作为成功的一部分:指南

You know as well as anyone that the road to success is never a smooth one. Challenges? They’re inevitable. But let’s shift our perspective on what challenges really mean for you and your business.

  • 拥抱不可避免的挑战: Challenges aren’t a sign of failure; they’re a natural part of life and business. The sooner you accept this, the more empowered you’ll be.
  • 打破挑战: A big challenge can seem overwhelming – break it down into smaller, manageable steps. Much like solving a complex puzzle. You’ll be amazed at how achievable it becomes when you view one piece at a time.
  • Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help: Even the strongest leaders need support. If you’re facing a tough challenge, reach out to a colleague or mentor. Asking for help is a sign of wisdom not weakness.
  • 庆祝每一次胜利: 你克服了挑战吗?花点时间拍拍自己的背。旅程与最终目标同样重要,承认成功可以激发动力并建立动力。
  • 采用成长心态: Challenges are not roadblocks; they’re growth opportunities. Each one offers a chance to learn, improve, and grow. Reflect on what went wrong, what you could have done differently, and use that information to become better.
  • 保持积极态度并继续前进: Maintaining a positive attitude is your secret weapon. Focus on what you can control and keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t let setbacks hold you back; they’re just stepping stones on your path to success.
  • Remember, You’re Not Alone: Everyone faces challenges. From the newest startup to the multinational corporation, challenges are a universal experience. They don’t define you, but how you handle them does.

1.2 化挑战为胜利:积极思考指南

Challenges are inevitable. As an entrepreneur or executive, your reaction to these challenges can make all the difference. Here’s a roadmap to help you focus on the positive, see opportunities in adversity, and ultimately drive success.

  1. 重新审视你的观点: Challenges aren’t roadblocks; they’re stepping stones. Instead of viewing them as hindrances, see them as opportunities for growth, learning, and acquiring new skills and insights along the way.
  2. 关注积极的一面: When a challenge arises, it’s natural to see the downside. Instead, shift your focus to what you can learn from the situation. How can it make you a better leader? How can it shape your future decisions? That positive focus fuels growth and innovation.
  3. 承认你的感受: Feelings of frustration or disappointment are natural. Acknowledge them, but don’t dwell on them. Understanding your emotions can actually empower you to move forward with clarity and determination.
  4. 寻求一线希望: Every challenge has hidden benefits. Maybe it’s a lesson learned, a skill gained, or even a new connection made. Look for those small wins—they’re the building blocks of long-term success.
  5. 依靠你的优势: You have unique strengths. Use them. Whether it’s your creativity, analytical ability, or leadership skills, focusing on what you do best can turn a challenging situation into a rewarding one.
  6. 帮助别人: Sometimes, helping others through their challenges can provide insights into your own. It’s not just altruistic; it’s also strategic. It builds empathy, fosters teamwork, and strengthens your leadership.
  7. 对自己要有耐心: Healing and growth take time. Progress might be slow, but every step forward counts. Patience isn’t just a virtue; it’s a business strategy.

This approach isn’t just about staying positive; it’s about transforming the way you view and handle challenges. It leads to better decision-making, fosters a positive work culture, and builds resilience that’s essential for long-term success.


1.3 弹性>应对

In business, stress and challenges are inevitable. But there’s a difference between merely coping with these challenges and truly growing from them. Let’s explore how resilience, more than coping, is your key to evolving your business and achieving sustainable success.


Coping is about handling immediate stress. It’s your emergency toolkit for navigating the emotional turbulence of the moment. While coping strategies can provide short-term relief, they are not a long-term solution for growth and success.


Resilience is where the real magic happens. It’s not just about bouncing back; it’s about growing, adapting, and thriving in the face of challenges. Resilience is your foundation for sustainable success. It empowers you to:

  • 从挫折中学习: 每一次挑战都成为一次教训,推动持续改进。
  • 为未来做好准备: 韧性使您能够充满信心和远见地面对即将到来的挑战。
  • 培养积极的文化: 在团队中灌输韧性可以培养创新、协作和成长的文化。


  • 可持续性: 虽然应对可以提供暂时的缓解,但韧性可以增强持久的力量和适应能力。
  • 成长心态: 韧性鼓励学习和成长,将挑战转化为机遇。
  • 与业务发展保持一致: 在不断变化的商业环境中,弹性与您的增长、创新和持续发展的目标相一致。

Coping is a short-term response, but resilience is your long-term strategy. It’s the driving force that allows you and your team to not only survive but thrive, to not only react but evolve.


2. 通过学习增强韧性

Success isn’t about perfection but growth. In your journey, mistakes are not mere setbacks but invaluable opportunities, and the wisdom of others isn’t just inspiration; it’s guidance. This section is designed to transform your approach to failure and leverage the experiences of others, fostering resilience and innovation in your career, team, and business.

2.1 从错误中学习:你的成长和成功指南

Mistakes happen. Whether you’re launching a new product or leading a team, there will be moments when things don’t go as planned. Let’s explore how you can turn setbacks into opportunities.

  1. 承认错误: While it’s tough to admit when you’ve gone wrong, being honest with yourself is the gateway to growth. It’s not about self-criticism; it’s about self-awareness. Recognize the mistake, and you’re already on the path to learning.
  2. 理解“为什么”: Dig in – what led to the mistake? Was it a lack of information, a misguided strategy, or something else? Understanding why a mistake occurred helps you pinpoint what needs to change.
  3. 确定教训: Every mistake holds a lesson. Maybe it’s a new skill you need to develop or a different approach you need to take. These lessons provide valuable wisdom that shapes your future decisions.
  4. 制定一个计划: You’ve identified the lessons; now it’s time to create a plan to ensure you don’t repeat the mistake. Commit to taking a proactive step towards continuous improvement, such as changing a habit, seeking professional development, or collaborating with your team.
  5. 原谅你自己: Remember, every great entrepreneur and executive has made mistakes. It’s human. What sets you apart is how you respond. Forgive yourself, move on, and let the experience sharpen rather than define you.

In business, the ability to learn from mistakes is not just a trait; it’s a strategy. It fosters resilience, encourages innovation, and builds a culture of continuous learning within your team. The next time a mistake happens, don’t shy away. Embrace setbacks as an opportunity to learn, grow, and excel. After all,your response to mistakes is what defines your trajectory.

2.2 Learning from Others’ Experiences: Accelerating Your Resilience

Imagine having a treasure trove of wisdom at your fingertips, filled with lessons learned, pitfalls avoided, and success stories. That’s exactly what you can have when you tap into the experiences, failures, and successes of fellow entrepreneurs and executives. Here’s how you can make their journeys part of your road to resilience.


  • 向他人学习: Don’t just admire the success stories; dive into the challenges, mistakes, and setbacks that others have faced. There’s valuable insight in both triumphs and tribulations.
  • 广泛阅读: 传记和自传为成功人士的生活提供了亲密、鼓舞人心和具有指导意义的一瞥。
  • 参与多媒体: 播客、采访和视频为您带来经验丰富的企业家的声音和愿景。


  • 参加会议和研讨会: These events put you in the same room with those who’ve walked the path you’re on. Listen, learn, and don’t be shy to ask questions.
  • 建立你的网络: 与同行和行业领导者互动。他们的经验可以成为你的教训。也分享你的挑战;共同成长是一条双向路。


  • 接受诚实的意见: 鼓励您信任的人对您的业务提供坦诚的反馈。他们的观点可能会揭示盲点或机会。
  • 定期反思: 花时间回顾一下你的工作和业务。确定您的胜利和需要改进的领域。自我意识是成长的基石。


  • 加速学习曲线: 通过向他人学习,您可以避开陷阱并采用经过验证的策略,从而节省时间和资源。
  • 增强决策能力: 来自各种经验的见解使您拥有更广阔的视野,丰富您的决策过程。
  • 培养成长文化: 鼓励您的团队向他人学习可以培养持续学习和创新的文化。

You don’t have to walk the road alone or learn everything the hard way. Gaining insights from others’ experiences is like having one of the most powerful accelerators available in the world of entrepreneurship and executive leadership. It guides you, warns you, and inspires you. Every conversation, book, and connection is a stepping stone towards a more insightful and resilient you. Engage with the collective wisdom, learn from it, let it shape your journey towards greater resilience and success and watch how it transforms not just you, but your entire team and business. 

3. 自我照顾可以增强韧性


3.1 优先考虑自我保健和正念

As a business leader your ability to lead, innovate, and grow doesn’t just depend on your business acumen but on a balanced and resilient you. Here’s how you can blend self-care and mindfulness into your leadership approach:

Physical Health: Your Body’s Role in Business Success

  • 饮食: Fueling your body with nutritious foods isn’t just a health choice; it’s a business decision. The energy and clarity from a balanced diet can empower you to lead effectively.
  • 锻炼: Regular physical activity isn’t merely a routine; it’s a resilience-building practice that enhances your leadership and decision-making abilities.
  • 休息: Sleep is not downtime; it’s a critical part of your leadership toolkit. It rejuvenates your mind and body, preparing you for the challenges ahead.


  • 情绪意识: Understanding your thoughts and feelings isn’t self-indulgence; it’s strategic self-awareness. It helps you navigate complex business landscapes with empathy and insight.
  • 专业支持: Seeking professional mental health support when needed isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strength that fortifies your leadership.
  • 欢乐活动: Engaging in activities that bring you joy isn’t a distraction; it’s a vital part of keeping you grounded and focused.

Mindfulness and Stress Management: The Leader’s Inner Compass

  • 正念练习: Engaging in mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing isn’t a trendy habit; it’s a method to enhance focus and calmness in decision-making.
  • 性质和联系: Spending time in nature or with loved ones isn’t just relaxation; it’s a way to reconnect with what matters, helping you build empathy and enriching your leadership perspective.
  • 自我护理习惯: Investing time in self-care isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity that builds resilience and sustains long-term success.


  • 增强决策能力: 良好的身心护理可以带来清晰有效的决策。
  • 对团队的积极影响: 您的健康状况树立了积极的榜样,并创造了一个支持性的工作环境。
  • 可持续的成功: 通过自我保健建立韧性可确保您为长期发展做好准备,从而引领您的企业实现可持续增长。

Your leadership journey is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires a resilient, well-balanced you at the helm. By integrating self-care and mindfulness into your leadership approach, you’re not just investing in yourself; you’re investing in the very core of your business success. Make this a priority, and you’ll find that the benefits reach far beyond personal well-being and will lead to a thriving life, career, team, and business.

3.2 培养超越自我的愿景

As a leader, it’s all too easy to become absorbed in the day-to-day challenges and lose sight of the bigger picture. But what if you could anchor yourself to something greater, something that transcends the immediate needs of your business and taps into a profound sense of purpose? That’s where crafting a vision that’s bigger than yourself comes into play.


It’s about aligning your goals with something that reaches beyond your personal desires and ambitions. This vision might be about contributing to society, creating lasting value, or driving positive change. It’s a guiding star that can inspire you, motivate your team, and resonate with your customers.


Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you craft a vision that goes beyond yourself:

  1. 反思您的价值观和热情: 确定什么对你真正重要。推动您做出决定的核心信念是什么?你对什么充满热情?
  2. 设想影响: 想想你希望世界发生什么变化。您的企业如何为这一变革做出贡献?
  3. 设定大胆的目标: Dream big! Your vision should inspire and challenge you. It’s about reaching for something exceptional.
  4. 分享与协作: 让您的团队、合作伙伴和社区参与您的愿景。寻找与您志同道合并能为这段旅程做出贡献的其他人。
  5. 保持积极和坚持: Embrace optimism and don’t lose sight of your vision, even when facing challenges. Persistence pays off.
  6. 寻求灵感和支持: Learn from mentors, read about those who’ve made a difference, and join communities aligned with your vision. Surround yourself with inspiration.


Your vision is more than a statement on a wall; it’s a living, breathing philosophy that guides your every step. Having a vision that’s bigger than yourself offers more than mere motivation. It provides direction, builds resilience, and creates a sense of fulfillment that transcends the ordinary. A broad vision can transform your business into a force for good, foster a committed team, and establish a legacy that endures. By embracing a vision that’s bigger than yourself, you not only elevate your business but also contribute to something greater.


3.3 设定目标并保持适应能力

As a driven professional, you understand the importance of setting targets and working diligently towards them. When the unexpected twists and turns inevitably arise in any business environment, you’ll need to set realistic goals and remain adaptable without losing sight of your vision. Let’s explore some strategies to help you stay resilient:


  • 具体且现实: 概述您的目标、实现目标的步骤以及时间表。确保这些目标具有挑战性但又可以实现。
  • 分解: 将您的总体目标划分为较小的、易于消化的任务。这种方法可以让你的旅程不那么令人生畏,并促进定期进步。
  • 保持灵活性: 认识到变化是过程的一部分。如果情况需要,愿意调整和修改你的目标。


  • 欣赏成就: Every accomplishment, no matter how small, deserves recognition. Reflect on what you’ve done well and the lessons learned.
  • 分享及奖励: 不要犹豫与您的团队分享成功并奖励自己。承认成就可以激发动力。
  • 从错误中学习: If things don’t go as planned, don’t dwell on the setback. Instead, analyze what went wrong and use it as a learning experience.


  • 避免不必要的比较: 你的旅程是独一无二的。在向他人学习的过程中找到平衡点。专注于自己的道路而不是与他人进行比较,可以让您专注于自己的目标。
  • 耐心有回报: Achieving great things takes time. Maintain your determination, and don’t be disheartened if results are not immediate.
  • 需要时寻求支持: There’s no shame in asking for assistance. A fresh perspective from friends, family, or professionals can be invaluable.


  • 增强性能: 现实的目标设定可以促进成功,而不会产生不必要的压力。它可以让您发挥出最佳状态,而不会感到不知所措。
  • 提高满意度: 庆祝成就可以提高个人满意度和职业成就感。
  • 强大的弹性: 这种平衡的方法可以帮助您建立弹性,使您能够应对挑战并继续前进,无论您遇到什么。

Setting goals and staying adaptable helps you hit your targets while cultivating a mindset that equally embraces the triumphs and the trials of the professional journey. By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only position yourself for success but also cultivate a resilient approach that benefits your career, team, and business.


3.4 拥抱变革新机遇

In the ever-evolving world of business, change is the only constant. Whether it’s a shift in market dynamics, a new technological advancement, or a change in team structure, adaptability is key. Here’s a guide to help you navigate change with confidence and see it as an opportunity for growth.


  • 拥抱新观点: 挑战你的假设和信念。对可能改变您的业务的新想法持开放态度。
  • 随时了解情况: 密切关注行业脉搏。了解趋势和发展使您能够主动而不是被动。


  • Don’t Fear the Unknown: Change can be unsettling, but it’s a natural part of progress. Embrace it as a chance to explore new avenues.
  • 富有创意和创新: 寻找新颖的解决方案和方法。创新往往在变革时期蓬勃发展。


  • 学习与成长: See change as a learning experience. It’s a chance to develop new skills and broaden your horizons.
  • 慢慢来: Adjusting to new circumstances isn’t instant. Allow yourself time to adapt without undue pressure.
  • 庆祝进步: Recognize and celebrate your successes along the way. It fuels motivation and reminds you of how far you’ve come.


  • 向他人学习: Talk to those who’ve successfully navigated change. Their insights could be your roadmap.
  • 现实点: 为您自己和您的团队设定可实现的期望。改变是一个旅程,而不是冲刺。


  • 增强成功: 能够适应变化的公司能够更好地在波动的市场条件下蓬勃发展。
  • 职业发展: 您适应新角色或职责的能力可能会成为您职业发展的催化剂。
  • 强大的弹性: 您愿意适应并保持灵活性,可以增强韧性,这是持久成功的基石。

Being flexible and adaptable isn’t about yielding to every change. Adaptability allows you to navigate through uncharted waters with skill and assurance. By embracing change as an opportunity, you not only pave the way for personal growth but foster an environment where your team and business can flourish.The next time you find yourself at the crossroads of change, remember, it’s not a roadblock but a launching pad. Adapt, innovate, and thrive.

4. 加强抵御能力的基础


In the fast-paced world of business, where challenges are a daily occurrence, a robust support system is more than just comforting—it’s a necessity. As a seasoned executive or budding entrepreneur, your success often hinges on your ability to navigate through the ups and downs. Here’s how to construct a network that empowers you and promotes resilience:


  • 找到你生命中的冠军: 谁是真正相信您和您的愿景的人?他们可以是朋友、家人、导师或同事。
  • 拥抱他们的支持: 定期与这些人联系,无论是面对面、通过电话还是在线。他们的鼓励和建议可以成为你的指路明灯。


  • 对新关系持开放态度: 参加社交活动,加入相关团体,并积极参与志趣相投的人聚集的社区。
  • 追求质量胜过数量: 专注于建立符合您的价值观和兴趣的有意义的关系。
  • 建立关系时要有耐心: 牢固、支持性的关系不会在一夜之间建立起来。投入时间和精力,合适的人就会进入你的生活。


  • 提供帮助和鼓励: 在商业世界中,善有善报,恶有恶报。支持他人不仅可以营造积极的环境,还可以增强您自己的网络。


  • 表达您的需要: Whether it’s a listening ear, specific advice, or a challenge you need help overcoming, let those in your support system know how they can best assist you.


  • 增强幸福感和成就感: 支持性关系会带来更强的归属感和个人满足感。
  • 增加成功的机会: 有了正确的建议、鼓励和实际帮助,您就更有可能克服障碍并实现目标。
  • 增强韧性: 在困难时期,强大的支持系统可以帮助您恢复活力并继续前进。

Surrounding yourself with a network of supportive and constructive friends, family, and mentors isn’t just about personal well-being; it’s a strategic move that directly impacts your professional growth. By following these guidelines, you can build a circle of success that will be there for you when you need it most, fueling your ambition and helping you achieve your business dreams. Remember, you’re not alone on this journey; make sure you have the right people beside you.

4.2 平衡自信和谦逊:恢复活力的途径

As a driven entrepreneur or seasoned executive, you’re intimately familiar with the pursuit of success. The delicate balance between confidence and humility stands as your secret weapon. Confidence fuels your ambition, propels you forward, and ignites the fire of determination. On the other hand, humility ensures you stay grounded, receptive to feedback, and are continually learning.

Steer clear of constantly lamenting setbacks or excessively boasting about triumphs. Instead, harness the synergy of confidence and humility. This combination is more than just a theoretical balance; it’s a practical, powerful blend that fortifies resilience and paves the way to enduring success.

Here’s how you can master this dynamic duo in your professional life:


  • 确定您擅长的领域: 了解您的专业领域以及您的闪光点。
  • 确认您可以改进的地方: 了解自己的局限性是一个成长的机会。


  • Respect Others’ Ideas: 即使您不同意,倾听不同的观点也可以丰富您自己的理解。
  • 保持开放的态度接受反馈: 建设性的批评是一个成长的机会。拥抱它。


  • 保持谦虚的态度: Confidence doesn’t mean arrogance. Recognize your capabilities without overlooking others’ contributions or overstating your own significance.
  • 培养感恩之心: 欣赏你所拥有的和你是谁,让你保持锚定和集中。


  • 对自己要有耐心: Building resilience and striking this balance takes time. Keep working on it, and you’ll see the transformation.


  • 增强职业成功: 自信而谦逊的领导者通常会赢得尊重和晋升机会。
  • 更牢固的关系: 当您对他人表现出真正的兴趣和尊重时,信任和有意义的联系就会蓬勃发展。
  • 个人成就感: Finding joy in your accomplishments while appreciating life’s gifts leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
  • Dismissal of Others’ Ideas: 不谦虚的高管可能会忽视或贬低团队的想法和贡献。这可能会导致缺乏创新和创造力,因为团队成员可能会不愿意分享自己的想法。
  • 对反馈的抵制: 缺乏谦逊常常伴随着对反馈的抵制。认为自己已经掌握了所有答案的高管不太可能寻求或接受他人的意见。这可能会阻碍成长和适应,因为他们可能会错过宝贵的见解和改进的机会。
  • 创造有毒环境: 傲慢和缺乏对他人的尊重会造成有毒的工作环境。团队成员可能会感到自己被低估,导致士气低落、生产力下降,甚至人员流失。
  • 危及人际关系和成功: An executive’s lack of confidence or humility may drive away support from colleagues, partners, and employees. The erosion of these essential relationships can undermine both personal career advancement and the overall success of the organization.


  • 在谈判中: Confidence paired with humility enables you to assert your position while considering others’ viewpoints.
  • 在领导力方面: 以同理心和保证来领导可以促进团队更有凝聚力和积极性。
  • 在个人发展方面: Growth is fostered through continual self-awareness and appreciation for others’ roles in your success.

In conclusion, blending confidence with humility isn’t about diluting your strength; it’s about enriching your leadership and personal life. This equilibrium helps you navigate the complex world of business with grace and resilience. Remember, your success isn’t just about what you achieve; it’s also about how you achieve it. By embracing this balance, you’re not only building a resilient mindset but also shaping a career and life filled with respect, growth, and fulfillment.

4.3 与消极的人相处时的复原力

In the journey toward success, you’ll inevitably encounter nay-sayers—those individuals who seem to have a knack for discouraging ideas or casting doubt on your abilities. While their words may be disheartening, it’s essential to recognize that their opinions don’t define your potential. Here’s how you can navigate past the negativity and focus on building your skills:












By embracing these principles, not only will you bolster your resilience, but you’ll create an environment where your career, team, and business can thrive. Let the positivity of your vision and the strength of your determination guide you, and success will follow.

You’ve learned to prioritize yourself, craft visions that resonate with a broader purpose, set adaptable goals, and embrace change as a new frontier. Remember, your leadership is not confined to spreadsheets and boardrooms; it’s a vibrant tapestry interwoven with self-awareness, resilience, and innovation. May these insights guide you as you lead your team and business to new horizons of success.


HowDo.com 对安吉拉·达克沃斯 (Angela Duckworth) 的书《坚毅》(Grit) 的摘要

使弹性团队脱颖而出的 3 种做法Keith Ferrazzi 和 CeCe Morken 在《哈佛商业评论》中讨论了新的研究如何表明,我们作为一个团队执行工作的方式比外部压力因素更能增强复原力,并且作为复原力团队的一部分,个人感到有责任互相激励。

打造更具韧性团队的 7 项策略Keith Ferrazzi、Mary-Clare Race 和 Alex Vincent 在《哈佛商业评论》中讨论了领导者如何评估团队的韧性,并通过关注四个关键特征来构建团队的韧性:坦率、足智多谋、同情心和谦逊。

打造更具弹性的企业指南Martin Reeves 和 Kevin Whitaker 在《哈佛商业评论》中讨论了企业如何在 COVID-19 世界中明确设计、衡量和管理弹性,并强调了随着商业环境变得更加动态和不可预测,弹性的重要性。

受生物学启发建立有弹性的企业” by Martin Reeves and Simon Levin, in article from the Boston Consulting Group explores the concept of resilience in business through the lens of biology, drawing lessons from nature’s robustness and adaptability.

建立组织弹性费尔南多·F·苏亚雷斯 (Fernando F. Suarez) 和胡安·S·蒙特斯 (Juan S. Montes) 在《哈佛商业评论》中讨论了组织如何制定照本宣科的惯例、简单的规则和即兴发挥的能力,以便在不确定的时期应对和发展。

创业韧性:成功企业家的传记分析” 作者:Stephanie Duchek,在《国际创业与管理杂志》中解释了员工、经理或企业家的韧性如何促进组织的成功和变革。


韧性领导力:增强韧性的 4 种方法”作者:马特·加文,哈佛商学院在线。本文讨论了为什么建立韧性对于成为能够成功应对挑战并以勇气和信念指导他人的领导者至关重要。

The Innovator’s DNA” – by Hal Gregersen, Clayton M. Christensen, and Jeff Dyer in the Harvard Business Review: Though not solely about resilience, this piece emphasizes how essential resilience is when cultivating an innovative mindset.

增强韧性的秘诀” 作者:Rob Cross、Karen Dillon 和 Danna Greenberg,发表在《哈佛商业评论》上。本文讨论了韧性不仅是一种个人特征,而且还很大程度上取决于强大的关系和网络。
